Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Exclusivity: Greg Norman and Macy's

Macy's joins forces with Greg Norman for another exclusive arrangement. I also read an article in a recent Wall Street Journal that private brands and exclusive collections represent 40 percent of Macy's sales. With other retailers following the same strategies,what then is the future for national brands? As a manufacturer of a national brand, how would you respond?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Polo's Success Story

Nothing happens by itself. What be learned from Polo's road to global


Monday, August 2, 2010

New lines

These are just further examples of companies looking for ways to grow their businesses. As a consumer, would you be interested in buying these new products? How important are brand names when purchasing apparel?


US Files Labor Rights Against Guatemala

Do you agree with our government's action or should we stay away from such a strong response? How will this affect our country's relationship with Central America?


new semester

With the beginning of our new semester, I invite all alumni and current students to participate in our FAS blog. It is a wonderful way to have a dialogue about the many events and trends that are affecting the global apparel industry.We will also post exciting news about Philadelphia University and the Fashion Apparel Studies Program. I look forward to sharing your thoughts and ideas.
Professor Rosenau